I spent a long time looking for the best way to explain my wines: I wanted to find new words to communicate concepts deeply rooted in my experience but then I realised that there is no need to use your imagination to express an idea that is perfectly summarised in an old and far from original concept. So, I say it and I write it too: for me, good wine is made in the vineyard. Soil, grape variety, clone, pruning, microclimate, exposure and agronomic choices are closely connected factors that require lots of study and just as much luck to achieve that magical synergy that brings the fruit as close as possible to perfection.
Then, in the cellar, the key to everything is respect. Respect for the fruit, the subject matter, nature, work and those who are going to be drinking my wine. Simple yet difficult concepts at the same time, which translate into a lot of hard work, constant improvement of natural processes, use of state-of-the-art equipment, continuous investment and the use of renewable energy sources.
I used to say that my wines were homemade. Now I prefer to say that they are like me: direct, sincere and genuine.

We are in Piedmont, towards the south of the region, just a few kilometres from the beaches of Liguria. A border land where trade once flourished along the ancient salt road which the Ligurians used to bring salt, anchovies and oil to the people of Piedmont, who traded with wine.